
June News

What a long time it’s been!  I will admit I rather lost the will and all that at the end of April and simply couldn’t think of a positive thing to say to you all, so thought better to say nothing at all. But June is here and so am I!

The Garden in April

Now, since few of us are foolish enough to leave the house these days, I think we can really safely encourage people to focus on their gardens.  Mi...

April News

Well, you are a lovely lot.  We are usually quiet at this time of year, between Mothering Sunday and Easter, but you are ordering and ordering your...

Weddings and Coronavirus

Weddings.... We are completely understanding of all our couples who are postponing their weddings right now. We are hoping to get in touch with you...

Workshops and coronavirus

Workshops at Common Farm Flowers We are following government advice and postponing all our workshops for the moment. I hope you’ll bear with us and...

We are still open and delivering flowers....

Flower deliveries... Well, none of us expected this to happen did we? Things are changing day by day but we are still arranging and delivering flow...

March in the Garden

The garden is a generous thing – despite the endless rain! Our tulips are inches high, our narcissi are budding up, I’ve potted on lots of cuttings...

March News

Hello friends.  Goodness hasn’t it just been wet?  And windy!  We lost a gate post, but nothing more serious.  But the spring flowers are hanging o...

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Our eco-friendly ethosRead more

Flower subscriptions from Common Farm Flowers

Flower subscriptions from common farm flowers

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