
July News

It is bizarre that we’re already in July. June never seemed to happen with all that cold weather. But at last the roses are getting into their stri...

September News

Not quite season of mists, but there is definitely a feeling of mellow fruitfulness about. I will admit that heavy rain in mid August was timely fo...

August News

Forgive the lateness of this missive. We held a wonderful Flower Farming Intensive Workshop last week after a steady stream of weddings and events,...

June news

So how are we doing?  Well the season is about to go into turbo charged mode! I am breathing slowly, sitting as much as I can, preparing for the ma...

May News

Well the season is upon us truly now, isn’t it? I’ve been taking my crop in my hands and planting out like crazy (crazy being the operative word -...

April news

Well March is almost over, and it’s felt sort of topsy turvy to me because Mothering Sunday is so late and the Country Living Fair is so early, so ...

March News

Will March be upon us like a lamb or a lion? Though it feels as though it’s April already out there now with the sun we’ve had beaming down on us, ...

Social media workshop

Here at Common Farm Flowers we rely for our every day business on social media.  For us, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are three slightly differe...

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Our eco-friendly ethosRead more

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