
October 2020 News

September finished in a flourish of workshops (and dahlias) and October sees the launch of our Autumn programme of workshops and new online demos. Which would you like to join us on?

What's happening in the garden in September?

Find out what we have planned for the garden in September - seed collecting, rearranging beds, ordering plants that will fill our bouquets next year - all part of this Flower Farmer's Year!

September 2020 News

As the season shifts from summer to autumn, find out what we have in store this month at Common Farm Flowers - with the return of our workshops and a programme of new online workshops to enjoy too, as well as dazzlingly beautiful flowers, of course.

The Garden in August

Find out what we are up to in the garden this August - often thought of as a quiet month for us gardeners, but as always there is plenty to keep us busy!

August 2020 News

Well hello there my flowery friends.  How can it possibly be the beginning of August?  I know I say this every month, but you might have thought that during a pandemic time would go more slowly.  Mind you, we have been busy… 

The Garden in July

What are you doing in your garden this month? For us it's all about the biennials (and weeding and lawn edging!) Read more here.

July News

Well hello there friends.  How are you all doing? We are slowly unlocking ourselves and working out what this means for Common Farm Flowers over the next few months. Find out more here. 

June in the Garden

What are we doing in the garden in June? Well still sowing seed, that’s what we’re doing. Using up the leftovers time for the end of the season, an...

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Our eco-friendly ethosRead more

Flower subscriptions from Common Farm Flowers

Flower subscriptions from common farm flowers

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