
January 2021 News

Welcome to a new year at Common Farm Flowers - and a game of I spy that you can play in your garden or whilst out on a walk.

December in the garden - much to do!

Whilst there is much to do to prepare all your Christmas orders, there is also a long list of jobs in the garden. Find out what we are up to here!

December 2020 News

Whilst we've sold out of our Christmas Willow Wreaths & almost of our Christmas flowers there's still chance to join Georgie for an online festive workshop. Read about this and our other news here.

How to make a foraged table centre

How to make a no floral foam foraged table centre to cheer up an autumn weekend. Join Georgie online this Friday to find out how she does it!

How to lift dahlia tubers

This month we are busy lifting and storing dahlia tubers - a garden job for after the first frosts. Find out how we do it here, why we are doing it this year and what will happen to the tubers next spring.

November in the garden - still plenty to do

Find out what jobs we'll be doing in the garden this November - from planting seedlings in the tunnel to moving the roses (and ordering more!)

November 2020 News

We start this month's blog by saying a big fat THANK YOU! Throughout this strangest of years you have really kept us going with your orders. 

October Gardening....Clearing And Mulching

October sees the garden slowing down and us getting knee deep in clearing beds and mulching, as we look ahead to our plans for the patch in 2021 (which includes much online browsing of seeds, plants, bulbs and bare root shrubs!)

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Our eco-friendly ethosRead more

Flower subscriptions from Common Farm Flowers

Flower subscriptions from common farm flowers

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