About Us

Image shows some of the cut flower beds at Common Farm Flowers in Somerset

Welcome to Common Farm Flowers

Founding Common Farm Flowers in 2010, Georgie Newbery was one of the first of the new kind of artisan flower farmer to establish in the UK.  She’s renowned for her expertise as a grower, florist and business coach.  While she says she’ll always grow flowers for sale, Common Farm Flowers streamlines further every season as Georgie spends more time teaching and mentoring other small businesses to help them identify and work towards their goals. 

Georgie is the author of The Flower Farmer’s Year, Grow Your Own Wedding Flowers and the first novel in a series to come, the novel called All Desires Known.

There are many ways to keep in touch with us, as we love to share every day life on the flower farm in the hope that we can encourage others to grow beautiful, sustainable flowers for pleasure, as well as for profit. 

For everyday chat about flowers and flower growing with Georgie follow Common Farm Flowers on Instagram. For more in-depth insight into life on the flower farm and what we keep ourselves busy doing, including information on learning about growing flowers and running lifestyle businesses, you can subscribe for free to our YouTube channel. 

We also write a regular monthly newsletter for our followers, which is interspersed with occasional salesy news updates too. You can sign up for this here.

If you enjoy our content then you might like to join our Club. The club is hosted on Substack, where if you become a paid subscriber you become a club member. It is a worldwide community of flower growing enthusiasts, not all flower farmers, who meet often on a Thursday in term time to join in Georgie’s popular Q&A Live at Five sessions on topics suggested by the club members and answering questions posted by the Clubbers. There are many other perks to being in the club - find out more here. 

Hopefully, you may be inspired to book a place to watch one of Georgie’s popular online demos, an online workshop, or even travel to the farm for one of her immersive full day classes. You can see our full workshop calendar here. 

Georgie encourages every one of her students to re-examine at least on a six monthly basis what the point of their flower growing/arranging/small business journey is: where is the destination?  What’s it for?  She does the same herself, and so Common Farm Flowers is a constantly evolving business.  In 2024 Georgie is taking bookings for masses of her Affordable Wedding Flowers, creating bespoke floristry for a few specific customers, and harvesting wholesale for a small number of luxury wedding and event floral designers.  At the same time she’ll be holding online workshops, demos and lives pretty much weekly during the school term time and in person immersive classes at the farm during the summer months.

And during the winter there is a daily focus on writing new material.

Georgie works with a small, tight knit team: Fabrizio, her husband, Nicola whom many of you will know as Georgie’s right hand woman when it comes to web management, extra social media, and workshop and demo arrangements, Sue who helps with the weeding, and the book keeper.

Georgie believes strongly that the old idea that businesses should grow for the sake of it is absurd.  She is fierce in her support of other small business owners who want to make a good living supplying a very high quality product without endlessly having to expand.   Common Farm Flowers is a business Georgie holds up as an example of one where it makes enough money, but the founder continues to engage with the creativity of growing, cutting and arranging flowers in a way the founder, Georgie, always wanted to be.

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

Eco friendly flower farming at Common Farm Flowers

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