The September Garden At Common Farm Flowers

The September garden.....
The garden takes up quite a bit of our time, as you can imagine.
We are beginning to clear this summer’s annuals, mulching the space where they were, and planting out biennials for next spring and summer. We are clearing the tunnel and prepping that for the spring.
A quick tip - if you are mulching, mulch then leave mulched ground for two days before planting into it so the birds get to work over the freshly spread compost first without damaging seedlings.
My friend and colleague Ben Ranyard of Higgledy Garden has great selections of hardy annuals to sow in the autumn for spring and early summer flowers if you’d like to visit his website and order. We have lots of online sessions coming up looking at seed sowing for next year, including my fave subject, sweet peas!
We’ll have spring bulbs to plant through the autumn. And a bit of redesigning too. The untidy patch at the end of the polytunnels is going to be redesigned as a small allotment/domestic sized cut flower patch to be used as a teaching garden going forward. It’s a sheltered little corner where I could find myself having a lovely old time playing housy housy with a patch which will look much more like other peoples’ than the rest of the farm here does.
And our top tip this month is for saving fragile dahlia plants when there’s heavy rain forecast. Rush out and cut ALL the flowers. It is the large flower heads filled with rain which makes the stems so heavy and therefore so prone to falling over or snapping in heavy weather.
As an aside, as far as high points of my career go, being invited to be on a panel judging the RHS dahlia trials, has to be the top so far.