The Garden in August

So what are we doing in the garden?
Well, we are clearing annuals, mulching beds, and getting ready to plant out nice fat biennial seedlings. We’ve sown the big tunnel with phacelia because the soil in there is tired and we’ll add a good layer of top notch compost and rotavate it all in in September before sowing a little for next year and getting ready for our first sweet pea crop for next year.
I’ve ordered bulbs for next spring, but I keep remembering more I neeeeed, so I’m making a little list. Do remember when ordering bulbs to specify when you’d like them to be delivered. If you like you can even split your order so that you can make sure that you’re free on the day the bulbs arrive, and that you’ve prepped the beds where they’re to be planted, and they can be popped in straight away, without mouldering in a garage until you remember them.