The April garden at Common Farm Flowers

I am sowing the fourth crop of seed for flowering this year but everything is still tucked up in the greenhouse against these cold nights. I won’t plant out for at least another week after this arctic weather system has left us behind. Even typing now is hard with my frozen cold fingers.
I have potted up my dahlias and they are wrapped up warm in the polytunnel, thinking about sprouting. I won’t take them out to harden them off until mid may at the earliest, and won’t plant them out till the first of June.
I pulled my first tulips and accompanying flowery treats on Monday this week – luckily tulips don’t mind frost!
We are still working our way around the garden weeding and mulching where we’ve weeded, clearing space for the annuals to be planted out when these arctic nights are gone.
I have sown a little larkspur seed direct where it will flower, as larkspur seed quite likes a frost to get it going, but I have yet to direct sow anything, and again, will wait till this arctic weather system has moved on… though the ground is radiating heat nicely I found when I held my… hand! an inch or so above a bed yesterday to check.
It is worryingly dry too, so when this cold weather has moved on, if it’s still not forecasting rain, I may give newly planted roses and other thirsty plants a good water – even those tulips don’t like to get too dry and if they do then their heads become brittle and snap off easily which is not at all what I planted them for.