Spring tulip bouquets

Hello strangers. I haven't posted in forever, which is naughty, I know. This is just a quick one too, in a horribly busy week, to say I'm giving talks and demos on growing, cutting and arranging country flowers at the Country Living Fair in London town this week. I'll be there on Friday and Saturday, talking twice both days, so do have a look at their schedule for timings and come and find me at the garden theatre if you're going to be there.
I love the Country Living Fair - always such a great crowd! So see some of you there I hope. I'll be the one pulling a trolley filled with buckets of flowers around with me and wearing a Common Farm Flowers apron. I'll have compost, seeds, tulips, camassia, forget me nots, cowslips, ranunculus, and all sorts of goodies to play with. And I'll be sowing seeds and making beautiful country flowers hand-ties and showing you how you can too.