Learn to arrange garden flowers

Learn to arrange garden flowers at our posy tying and garden floristry workshop on 9th July.
People are sometimes nervous about cutting their garden flowers, they find that the flowers when the cut them flop before they even get them back to the house, and then they don't know where to start with arranging them.
Come and spend a day on our Somerset flower farm between Bruton and Wincanton and I'll give you a pair of scissors and a bucket of water and take you on a tour on our flower fields, encouraging you to cut what you like for floristry we'll do together. By the end of the day you'll be confident cutting flowers, conditioning flowers, and arranging flowers, and you'll take home with you a lovely big bunch you've created yourself, made with that posh twist into a hand-tie bouquet like the real florists do. You'll take a posy home too. But more importantly, you'll take a new confidence with you, and be brave cutting your garden, and enjoy making posies and bouquets with what you've grown.
Lunch is always delicious. We only have small groups at our garden flowers floristry days because I'd rather make sure a small group have a great time than a large group in which there might be people who feel left out.
It's a great time of year to treat yourself - and though I say it myself, the gardens here are kind of fun to play with.