February at Common Farm

Well let’s look at flowers for your Valentine first shall we? Order from us for your Valentine now and you’ll be giving beautiful, bright, colourful, scented flowers, all grown exclusively in the UK. From Cornwall and Lincolnshire the flowers we send to your Valentine are the very best spring flowers: narcissi, anemones, ranunculus, tulips, with budding willow, scented poplar buds, and foraged foliage to make gorgeous bunches of deliciousness.
Or… Your Valentine might prefer to spend the day with us at one of our great workshops: from growing flowers, to arranging them, from specialist sweet pea and dahlia days, to tours of the farm, and for the business owners we have fantastic social media and styling workshops too. Book now and be prepared for a VERY happy smile from your true love on Valentine’s day. We do create special workshop days for groups who like to book their own day as well: a bespoke day might be for a hen party who want to learn to make flower crowns, or for a group celebrating a big birthday learning something flowery together. Do get in touch with Georgie to arrange a special bespoke workshop to suit your flowery dreams. Call us on 01963 32883 or email georgie@commonfarmflowers.com.
And AFTER Valentine’s night, when it still feels horrid wintry and there’s nothing much to do, I’m giving a talk at Charlton Musgrove Village Hall with a fascinating presentation on our gardens here at Common Farm and how we arrange to have flowers to cut all season long. The talk is on 15th February, from 7.30 - 9.00pm - Tickets available to book here. I’m raising money to help mend the roof of our 13th century village church St Stephen’s. I’m told I give good talk so do book your tickets today. Plus there’ll be cheese and wine and a raffle and…
Our annual plant sale will be with us before we know it! At the plant sale we sell our plants for £1 a pot, whether they’re a huge great grape vine in a giant planter, or a teeny snapdragon seedling. Last year we raised £3,000 in three hours, a huge amount for a small village plant sale, and hope to achieve the same (or a good chunk more!) this year. So if you’re sowing seed this spring and you find you have spare seedlings; or if you’re digging over your borders and splitting plants to make space and air in your borders and find you have plantlets or cuttings to spare, then do bring them along to Charlton Musgrove village hall (BA9 8HF) on 4th May this year for a 9.30am start and we’ll sell them to raise money so that the church can have a mended roof, a loo, AND a servery so that it can keep on serving the people of this little corner of Somerset for many centuries to come. Just to round up with the church fundraising chat: if you’d like to donate to the St Stephen’s Raise the Roof fund, I’ve created a just giving page and would be very grateful for your donations here.
Other dates for your diary: well, in between finishing mulching the beds, sowing seed, sending out flowers to your Valentine’s, we’ve had BBC Radio 4 here recording for On Your Farm, due, for you early risers, to be broadcast at 6.35 am (I’m sure you’ll be able to get it on i-player later if you like a lie in on a Sunday!) on Sunday 10th February. The Country Living Fair have asked me back to give talks and demos at their Spring Fair on the weekend of Mothering Sunday, 30th/31st March, and I’ve just booked in to give a talk and demo at the Glanusk Estate Fair on Sunday 19th May. Hopefully I’ll see some of you at one or more of these events - and don’t forget the plant sale on 4th May.