Tips for growing flowers

Tips for cut flower growing.
Choose carefully the flowers you want to grow. Aim to have a third 'accent' flowers (big showy heads,) a third filler and a third foliage and greenery at any time.
Pinterest is a brilliant tool for curating what you're going to grow. Post pictures of what you've already got flowering in the garden during the spring, summer and autumn, then plan to grow maybe five or six varieties to go with those established plants in your cut flower bunches.
Order fresh seed direct from good suppliers like Higgledy Garden, Chiltern Seeds, and Plants of Distinction.
Don't sow all your seed at once: successionally sowing small amounts of seed will give you a selection of good flowering plants to take you through the summer. When I hear people have sown two hundred sweet peas at once my heart sinks: they'll never have time to harvest them all!
Treat your cut flower patch like a vegetable patch: you'd never sow five hundred lettuces at once - you might sow ten...
Come on a Cut Flower Patch workshop at Common Farm near Bruton in Somerset. We'll show you how we create and manage our flower beds, how we successionally sow for a harvest all summer long, how we make clever hot beds in our greenhouse, how we use our space for maximum delight -
AND we'll give you a great lunch in the beautiful surroundings of our studio barn, with a small group of like-minded people. You'll have a wonderful day.