May news from the farm

May news from the farm

Well I don’t know about you, but I’m really ready for some spring weather.  My dahlias are behind by weeks, the seedlings I’ve planted out are hugging the ground, refusing to grow upwards, and the seedlings in trays are sulking and refusing to bulk up at all. 

Still, this slow spring means that when growth does begin we’ll get everything at once.  And we won’t have that hungry gap after the tulips because the tulips will go on and on until the peonies and roses begin.  And we won’t remember – next year we’ll do it all again, demonstrating the declaration of faith that gardening is, and being taught again that patience is a virtue, and that we must just wait for nature to say when. 

Image shows a large arrangement of Spring flowers - tulips, crab apples, camassia, bluebells. and lots of green foliage

May always feels as though this is the month when our season really gets going.  We will plant all those lazy seedlings out.  We will sow our late summer annuals.  We will watch the dahlia cuttings root and pot them on and be ready to plant them out in early June.  I’m always in such a hurry, when actually our season goes on well into October so I need to remind myself to chill my boots.

Besides, we have lots of fun and games with workshops and demos this month, including several sessions over the next few weeks focused on wedding and event flowers, as a lot of people are preparing to flower their own events through the summer, so join us for floristry as well as wedding flowers planning sessions – details for booking are here.  We’ll be prepping ourselves with lots of weddings to harvest and arrange flowers for. 

Image shows a collection of buttonholes created with Spring flowers - bluebells, tulips, cowslips and forget me nots.

We’ll be careful not to mow more than paths through the long grass.  I love the idea of No Mow May, and join in happily.  Besides, we’re very much keeping an eye on the meadows now as Fabrizio’s wildflower meadow workshop are coming up in early June along with our garden tours and three days of floristry workshops here at the farm.

And of course it’s the Chelsea Flower Show at the end of May.  Yes, I’ll be there on the Monday, having as much fun as its possible to have at 7 in the morning sober.  I’m a trainee floristry judge this year so I will be learning and hoping to be judged useful enough myself to be a fully-fledged judge next year.  I’ll be reporting back all over my various social media platforms so I hope you’ll enjoy that reportage – and if you’re there on the Monday then say hello! 
I’m back up to London again that week to give a talk and hand-tie demo at the event Jo Thompson is curating with House and Garden at Chelsea Barracks – weds 24th May between 2 and 3pm so if you’re in London that day do book a ticket and come along. Details and booking linked here. 

A trip up to Googie’s mid May means there’ll be lots on the YouTube with her I hope as well as the usual weekly updates on our vlog about what’s happening here on the farm.  The subscribers on the ‘tube now number nearly 17000, and the super subscribers in the club over 250.  The live at fives we’re doing with the club are so much fun, and I know people are getting a great deal out of them. If you're struggling with working out how to join the club, we've made a video to help.  

I too am feeling very supported by the ‘tubers who are cheering me on as I write a new novel, a sequel to All Desires Known which is having a bit of a relaunch so thank you to those who’ve revved it up into the top 10,000 on Amazon a couple of times in the past month.  And if you haven’t read it, I’m reliably informed it’s a top read.

So onwards and upwards friends.  In the garden this month I will be sowing lots of late summer annuals, planting the next succession of gladiolus bulbs, taking more dahlia cuttings, lifting the tulip bulbs to make room for the dahlias, and harvesting our crop twice a week for our lovely private and wholesale clients.

Have a lovely May all, and happy digging! 

Georgie x

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