The flower delivery day

We are what is known as artisan flower farmers, or sometimes farmer-florists. This means we grow most of the stock we use in our floristry and so our days run slightly differently from that of your more traditional high street florist.
We start the day looking at the orders and making up a stem count of what we'll need to complete the orders. And then we (we being me and Sharon) fill our little trolleys with clean buckets brimming with fresh water, and we set off into the garden to cut the flowers we'll need to fulfil our orders.
A couple of hours later we meet back in the studio, and by then the main table in there is pretty much groaning with buckets of flowers. We look at what we have, compare notes, maybe pop out ot get a few more stems of this or that to make sure the balance is right. And then we have a coffee and sort a bit of admin for the rest of the morning.
And then, after lunch, we make the bouquets and posies which our customers have ordered. Generally I do most of the floristry and Sharon does the lables and cards and aquapacking and putting everything into their boxes. And by about 3pm everything's made up and boxed up and ready to be collected by our couriers. So then we have a cup of tea. And sometimes cake. Cake is very important fuel in this business.
And then we look at what there is to do in the garden and we have a couple of hours to do it. Right now Sharon is out watering the dahlias in the polytunnel. Once I post this I'll pop out and I have a few (ahem!) seedlings to get into this lovely, freshly-rained-on ground.
And then we do it all again tomorrow.
So that's my day. How does yours compare?