Learn how to make a gorgeous hand-tied bouquet with the classic florist’s twist in a live demo with flower farmer and florist Georgie Newbery.
If you grow flowers for cutting in your garden, then this is a great demo for you to take part in as the season begins. Georgie is a very clear teacher and takes her time to make sure you can replicate every step she takes as she makes one of her own classic bouquets with gorgeous spring flowers.
Yes there is time for questions and yes you can catch up with this demo with a recording you can download if you can’t make the live session.
With Mothering Sunday, Easter and a summer of flowers incoming this is the perfect time of year to learn how to make and wrap a classic hand-tied bouquet with fresh garden flowers, and learn a skill you can practise all summer long.
If you are interested in this demo you might also like some of other demos and bundles, including:
The Hand Tie Demo Duo
The Shrubs and Perennials For Cut Flower Arrangements Demo
Suitable for:
Would suit all flower arranging enthusiasts and students as well as keen flower growing gardeners, no matter what level of expertise.
Why do a workshop or demo with Common Farm Flowers?
Georgie Newbery has been building her small business growing flowers for sale and creating floristry with material she’s grown on the farm since 2010. She is a Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Floristry Judge, RHS dahlia trials committee member, and Garden Media Guild New Talent Award Judge.
Georgie does not see other flower farmers and florists as competition, but rather as potential colleagues and collaborators. Georgie knows that it is in her interest to teach her students everything she knows. And she spends a great deal of time talking to other flower farmers and small business owners and learning as much as she can around the subject of running small businesses and farming gardens and small acreage.
There are no secrets held back from you at a Common Farm Flowers workshop.
Information about all our online workshops and demos:
You are welcome to join our workshops and demos whether you grow for pleasure or profit, and wherever you are in the world.
All our online workshops and demos take place via Zoom at 5.00pm (UK time.)
Workshops last approximately two hours and demos are around one hour.
Online workshop numbers are generally restricted to a maximum of 20 students.
We will be in touch a few days before the workshop with your joining instructions. This email will come from nicola@commonfarmflowers.com. If you’ve not heard from Nicola 48 hours before the session takes place please email nicola@commonfarmflowers.com but do please first check your junk / spam items and make sure you are checking the inbox of the email address you used to book your place.
We record all our sessions, which means you don’t miss out if, for example, you get interrupted or lose internet connection during the course of the session.
All our online workshops and demos work well if you can’t attend live. Simply book your place as if you were coming along and we will send you the recordings as soon as possible after the session has taken place.
We will send recordings (and notes for workshops) within 7 days of the session taking place, but usually much sooner than this.
Please familiarise yourself with our terms and conditions in case you need to cancel your workshop or demo place.